Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hydronic Expansion Tanks With 100% Butyl Diaphragms

The HTX Series: Constructed of deep drawn welded steel domes, HTX tanks by Flexcon Industries feature butyl diaphragms engineered for longer life. Butyl rubber is the material of choice for American heating systems as it offers low permeability rates at higher temperatures. Our oversized diaphragm maximizes tank drawdown, and minimizes wear. This design virtually eliminates diaphragm stretch, which enhances longevity.

Specifications: The in-line HTX Series are available from 2 to 15 gallons and utilize a welded system connection with built-in hex nut for easy installation.The brass shrader valve has an o-ring seal to ensure air side integrity. An appliance quality finish means many years of service in damp basements and crawl spaces. The SXHT Series are freestanding, and range in size from 15 to 81 gallons.

Testing: Every Flexcon Hydronic tank is pressure tested and backed with a five year written, limited warranty. Packages Combination: Packages include a tank, air scoop and vent for added installer convenience. Flexcon also offers a line of hydronic accessory items that include the re-designed Fill-Rite 300 FV pressure regulating valve.

Learn more about Flexcon products on our website:

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tempera Valves by Precision Plumbing Products

The Tempera Valves, by Precision Plumbing Products (PPP), is a highly sensitive pressure balancing valve that holds a selected water temperature to within one degree. It responds instantly to all line pressure loss on either the hot or cold side.

Tempera Valves may be installed in any position or at any angle. They must be installed ahead of the control valve(s). The flow pattern is indicated by arrows imprinted in the valve body.

  • Automatic pressure compensating, preventing thermal shock
  • Can be used with single or tow handle mixing valve assemblies
  • Holds a selected water temperature to within +- 3º F degree regardless of pressure change 
  • Fully ported valve with minimal pressure drop 
  • Safe and positive because it is a pressure balancing valve, not a thermostatic mixing valve 
  • Meets A.S.S.E. STANDARD 1066 individual in-line pressure balancing valves

Tempera Valves should be provided with some type of access for servicing if necessary. Avoid high temperaturesin direct contact with the valve body.

The internal parts of theTempera Valve are stainless steel with only one moving part. The pressure differential sensing piston is constantly responding to any system pressure changes.

Learn more about Precision Plumbing Products on our website:

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dornbracht: Convenience Through High-Tech

The first electronic product solution for the kitchen from Dornbracht: the different functions of eUnit Kitchen help you with your everyday work in the kitchen. The control elements give you accurate control of water temperature and volume and the foot sensor takes the place of a ”missing“ free hand, allowing water to flow without you having to lift a finger.

Added to this are the electronic strainer waste and a water dispensing function that allows water to be dispensed in precise amounts of 1 litre and 0.1 litre steps. Thanks to its compact construction, the eUnit Kitchen can be situated in 'plug-'n'-play' fashion beneath the sink without taking up too much space.

Learn more about Dornbracht products on our website: